About us
Volunteer Executive
Mary Laura Coady, President
Mark Grimmett, PSO President
Tim MacEachern, Treasurer
Andrea Beer, Team Manager
Danny Jenkings, Director at Large
Ellen Coady, Director at Large
The PEI Alpine Ski Team is the organizer of the alpine ski racing programs on Prince Edward Island. It is a separate organization from the PEI Alpine Ski Association but works cooperatively with the Provincial Association and with Mark Arendz Provincial Ski Park at Brookvale to support alpine ski racing.
The team is run by a volunteer executive committee who are responsible for day to day administrative tasks; program and coach scheduling; travel arrangements; liaison for coaches, parents and public; communications to the parents and executive; and assisting with fundraising.
All coaching staff are certified, enthusiastic and dedicated to personal development. The coaches are committed to high professional standards. Many coaches are graduates of our race program. As a team we encourage and financially support all of our coaches to upgrade their certification levels and to keep current with the latest technical and theoretical coaching methods.